Context Driven Testing is part of the following frameworks:

What ChaptGPT says about it...

Context Driven Testing in the context of Test Driven Development

Context Driven Testing in Test Driven Development

In the context of Test Driven Development (TDD), Context Driven Testing emphasizes the importance of considering the specific context in which testing activities take place. It encourages testers to adapt their approach based on the unique circumstances of the project, rather than following a one-size-fits-all testing strategy.

Key Principles of Context Driven Testing in TDD:

  1. Adaptation: Testers should adjust their testing techniques, tools, and strategies based on the project requirements, constraints, and challenges.

  2. Exploration: Encourages testers to explore different paths and possibilities during testing, rather than sticking to predefined test cases.

  3. Critical Thinking: Promotes critical thinking skills among testers to evaluate risks, prioritize testing efforts, and make informed decisions.

Benefits of Context Driven Testing in TDD:


  1. Context-Driven Testing - James Bach
  2. Exploratory Testing in Context - Cem Kaner
  3. Context-Driven Testing Principles - AgileTestingFellow

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