Context Mapping is part of the following frameworks:

What ChaptGPT says about it...

Context Mapping in the context of Design Thinking

Context Mapping in Design Thinking

In the realm of Design Thinking, Context Mapping is a crucial technique that involves understanding and visualizing the various dimensions of a problem or a situation. It helps teams gain a comprehensive view of the context in which their design solutions will exist.

Key Aspects of Context Mapping:

  1. Stakeholder Identification: Identifying all the stakeholders involved in or impacted by the design challenge.

  2. Information Gathering: Collecting data, insights, and knowledge about the problem space from different perspectives.

  3. Visualization: Representing the collected information visually, often using tools like journey maps, personas, or empathy maps.

  4. Pattern Recognition: Analyzing the visualized information to identify patterns, connections, and potential opportunities.

  5. Problem Reframing: Using the insights gained from context mapping to redefine the problem statement in a human-centered manner.

Importance of Context Mapping:

Best Resources on Context Mapping:

  1. IDEO - Design Thinking - IDEO's comprehensive guide to design thinking, including context mapping techniques.

  2. Stanford - Methods - Stanford's resources on context mapping and its application in the design process.

  3. Interaction Design Foundation - Context Mapping - In-depth articles on the concept of context mapping and its role in design thinking.

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