Five E's is part of the following frameworks:

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Five E's in the context of Design Thinking

Five E's in Design Thinking

In Design Thinking, the Five E's represent the core principles that guide the design process. These principles focus on ensuring that the design solutions are user-centered, practical, and innovative. The Five E's are as follows:

  1. Empathize: This stage involves understanding the user's needs, emotions, and behaviors. It emphasizes the importance of putting yourself in the user's shoes to gain valuable insights.

  2. Define: In this stage, you define the problem statement based on the insights gathered during the empathy stage. It involves synthesizing the information to create a clear and concise problem statement.

  3. Ideate: Ideation is the stage where you generate a wide range of creative ideas to address the defined problem. It involves brainstorming and thinking outside the box to explore different potential solutions.

  4. Prototype: Prototyping involves creating tangible representations of the ideas generated during the ideation stage. These prototypes can be low-fidelity or high-fidelity, depending on the need for testing and feedback.

  5. Test: The testing stage involves gathering feedback from users by testing the prototypes. It allows you to validate the solutions and make necessary iterations based on user feedback.

By following the Five E's in Design Thinking, teams can create innovative and user-centric solutions that meet the needs of the target audience effectively.


  1. IDEO U - Design Thinking
  2. Stanford - Resources for Practicing Design Thinking
  3. Interaction Design Foundation - Design Thinking: The Ultimate Guide

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