Refactoring Map is part of the following frameworks:

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Refactoring Map in the context of Mikado Method

Refactoring Map in Mikado Method

In the Mikado Method, a Refactoring Map is a visual representation of the steps required to make a series of small, safe changes to existing code. This technique helps developers navigate through complex refactoring processes by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable tasks.

By creating a Refactoring Map, developers can:


  1. The Mikado Method: A Way to Understand Your Project and Make Impactful Changes
  2. Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code by Martin Fowler
  3. Refactoring Guru - Refactoring Catalog

These resources provide in-depth information on the Mikado Method, refactoring techniques, and best practices for improving code quality.

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