Why-How Laddering is part of the following frameworks:

What ChaptGPT says about it...

Why-How Laddering in the context of Design Thinking

Why-How Laddering in Design Thinking

In Design Thinking, Why-How Laddering is a technique used to delve deeper into the motivations behind users' needs and behaviors. It involves asking "why" multiple times to uncover the underlying reasons and "how" to explore potential solutions.

How to Implement:

  1. Start with a Why Question: Begin by asking why a user wants a particular feature or solution. Keep asking why until you uncover the underlying motivations and intents.

  2. Explore How: Once you've identified the core "why," move on to asking how these motivations can be addressed with potential solutions or features.

  3. Iterate and Refine: Continuously iterate on the why-how questions to ensure a deep understanding of user needs and to generate innovative solutions.



  1. IDEO: Design Thinking for Educators

  2. Interaction Design Foundation: Why-How Laddering

  3. Nielsen Norman Group: Research and Design Thinking

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